Thursday, August 4, 2016

Alliteration with the Letter "T"

Totally, Terribly Ready?

My second year as a third grade classroom teacher starts in just over a month and I have LITERALLY a TRILLION things to do...

  1. Plan
  2. Start my master's
  3. Drink 17 Starbucks Lattes
  4. Cry
  5. Drink other beverages... 
  6. Pin random things about classroom management that I will never do
  7. Plan
  8. Pin helpful tips about the beginning of the year that I will never look at
  9. Contemplate writing in Frank Underwood for POTUS in November
  10. Put up a birthday bulletin board
  11. Take the birthday bulletin board down because I found a better spot for it
  12. Buy my 62nd set of Crayola markers 'cause duh- they're on sale
  13. Make a list
  14. Don't use the list
  15. Panic
  16. Unpack, organize and set up last minute.
O.K. ready, set, GO!

As a former middle school English teacher, I have found that I greatly miss teaching only English.  I could focus on just ONE subject (well more like 4 subjects if you break it down...).  The grading was intense  insane, but the crafting of a literary essay... still gives me goosebumps.  Character analysis, themes weaved within a text, the list goes on and on.  Enough of middle school nostalgia - I made the switch to elementary school last year, and I'm not looking back, just looking forward with glazed eyes and three cups of coffee.

This summer I have been immersed in reading and writing with our new Lucy Calkins curriculum (new to school, not to me), and it is giving me a new sense of panic purpose.  The excitement of starting students in all grades with such a great, supportive curriculum is starting to get to me!  Within my feelings of excitement, I can't help but remember what it was like to teach this curriculum to middle schoolers who had only just begun the program (meaning they were doing something else prior to Lucy Calkins and then just jumped in, feet first, writing anecdotal stories at the beginning of their high school application essays - holy mother...).  It was scary, frightening and overwhelming.  The worst part was deciding what was essential to teach in such complex, fruitful units.  I am hoping that this will NOT be the case for my third graders this year.  They have had one year of Lucy Calkins Writing - that's a plus... but the reading will be a switch.  I'm freaking out prepping the best way I can... by pinning, obviously.

This brings me to some serious T's... as this year starts, I am starting from scratch in more ways than one:

- "Twice as Nice" - this is my second year in third grade - I'm still getting the hang of a large teaching transition from middle school - no fear - I'm feeling terrified terrific!

- "Three Credits" - I am starting my master's degree this year... That's terrific?  I am hoping that I don't feel the creep of overwhelming, debilitating anxiety.  I can do this. With caffeine.

- "Two Doors Down" - I moved classrooms and am currently purging old, leftover materials... what a pain, yet cleansing - like shaving your legs?  My new room is growing on me.  I think a few more inspirational posters about kindness and (patience) for the walls will help.


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